A pulmonary sequestration, also known as abronchopulmonary sequestration or a cystic lung lesion, is a medical condition where a piece of tissue that develops into lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary blood supply and does not communicate with the other lung tissue. Often it gets its blood supply from the thoracic aorta. Communication is a medical phrase indicating that it is not connected to the standardbronchial airways and that it performs no function inrespiration.
This condition is normally detected in children and is generally held to be congenital in nature. The treatment for this is a segmentectomy via a thoracotomy. More and more, these lesions are diagnosed by prenatalultrasound.
Intralobar sequestration accounts for 75% of pulmonary sequestrations. The lesion consists of lung tissue that lacks normal communication to the tracheo bronchial tree, has systemic arterial supply, and shares the pleura of the parent lobe. The majority of intralobar sequestrations are probably acquired lesions. Patients usually present before the age of 20 years with recurrent infection. At pathologic examination, intralobar sequestration is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis. At radiologic examination, intralobar sequestration typically appears as a consolidation or mass, with or without cavitation, within a lower lobe. In many cases, cystic change may be present within the affected lobe. Identification of a systemic arterial supply supports the diagnosis. Patients are treated with surgical excision, and prognosis is favorable. (Frazier et al. Radiographics 17(3):725. (1997).
Great variation, persistent dry cough